How to send the JSON data in rest web services? I have a json object which contains product Id,store Id,price,product Unit,quantity values.Here All the values are integer only except product Unit value. Now, I want to send these values into rest web services. Could you please give any samples or any valuable suggestions?
Since you have tagged this with the Worklight tag, I'm going to assume you meant to ask how to send json data from a worklight client to an external REST service. In order to do this in Worklight, you need to use a Worklight HTTP adapter. See the documentation here:
After creating the Worklight adapter, you can then send your JSON data from the client like this:
* Http Adapter call
function callAdapter(){
var myJSONObject = {
productId: 123,
storeId: 123,
price: 342,
productUnit: "myUnit",
quantity: 4
var invocationData = {
adapter : 'MyHttpAdapter',
procedure : 'myAdapterProcedure',
parameters : [myJSONObject]
WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, {
onSuccess : success,
onFailure : failure
function success(response){
console.log("adapter Success");
function failure(response){
console.log("adapter Failure");
Your JSON input:
"productId": "p123",
"storeId": "s456",
"price": 12.34,
"productUnit": "u789",
"quantity": 42
The JAXB class:
public class MyJaxbBean {
public String productId;
public String storeId;
public double price;
public String productUnit;
public int quantity;
public MyJaxbBean() {} // JAXB needs this
public MyJaxbBean(String productId, String storeId, double price, String productUnit, int quantity) {
// set members
The JAX-RS method.
public Response putMyBean(MyJaxbBean theInput) {
// Do something with theInput
return Response.created().build();
See the documentation of Jersey (the RI for JAX-RS) for details.