I have a large amount of .csv files from my experiments (200+) and previously I have been reading them in seperately and also for later steps in my data handling this is tedious work.
co_15 = csvread('CO_15K.csv',5,0);
co_25 = csvread('CO_25K.csv',5,0);
co2_15 = csvread('CO2_15K.csv',5,0);
co2_80 = csvread('CO2_80K.csv',5,0);
h2o_15 = csvread('H2O_15K.csv',1,0);
So I want to make a cell at the beginning of my code looking like this and then a for loop that just reads them automatically.
input = {'co_15' 5;'co_25' 5;...
'co2_15' 5; 'co2_80' 5;...
'h2o_15' 1; 'h2o_140' 1;...
'methanol_15' 5;'methanol_120' 5;'methanol_140' 5;...
'ethanol_15' 5;'ethanol_80' 1;'ethanol_140' 5;...
'co2_ethanol_15' 5 ;'co2_ethanol_80' 5;...
'h2o_ethanol_15' 1 ;'h2o_ethanol_140' 1;...
'methanol_ethanol_15' 5;'methanol_ethanol_120' 5;'methanol_ethanol_140' 5};
for n = 1:size(input,1)
input{n,1} = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
The cell in this code is 19 rows and 2 columns, the rows are all the files and the columns will contain the parameters to handle the data. Now the problem I can't find a solution for is that my first column is a string name and I want that string name to be the name of the variable where csvread writes its data to but the way I set it up now it just overwrites the string in the first column of the cell with the csv data. To be extra clear I want my matlab workspace to have variables with string names in the first column containing the data of my csv files. How do I solve this?