I have just installed Python 2.7.5 on a Windows 7 (32-bit) box.
When trying to install Scrapy module via the Windows console I get the below error:
Command python setup.py egg_info failed with error code 1 in c:\users\compaq\app
Storing debug log for failure in C:\Users\COMPAQ\pip\pip.log
I have read other threads on this, suggesting that setup tools be re-installed or updated. I have already attempted this (the latest setup tools exist) but the scrapy install error remains.
The below is the full install script and failure:
C:\Windows\system32>pip install scrapy
Downloading/unpacking scrapy
Running setup.py (path:c:\users\compaq\appdata\local\temp\pip_build_COMPAQ\scr
apy\setup.py) egg_info for package scrapy
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs\build'
Downloading/unpacking Twisted>=10.0.0 (from scrapy)
Downloading/unpacking w3lib>=1.2 (from scrapy)
Downloading w3lib-1.5.tar.gz
Running setup.py (path:c:\users\compaq\appdata\local\temp\pip_build_COMPAQ\w3l
ib\setup.py) egg_info for package w3lib
Downloading/unpacking queuelib (from scrapy)
Downloading queuelib-1.1.1.tar.gz
Running setup.py (path:c:\users\compaq\appdata\local\temp\pip_build_COMPAQ\que
uelib\setup.py) egg_info for package queuelib
Downloading/unpacking lxml (from scrapy)
Running setup.py (path:c:\users\compaq\appdata\local\temp\pip_build_COMPAQ\lxm
l\setup.py) egg_info for package lxml
Building lxml version 3.3.0.
Building without Cython.
ERROR: 'xslt-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
** make sure the development packages of libxml2 and libxslt are installed *
Using build configuration of libxslt
C:\HACK\Python\lib\distutils\dist.py:267: UserWarning: Unknown distribution
option: 'bugtrack_url'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '*.py'
Downloading/unpacking pyOpenSSL (from scrapy)
Running setup.py (path:c:\users\compaq\appdata\local\temp\pip_build_COMPAQ\pyO
penSSL\setup.py) egg_info for package pyOpenSSL
error: Only found improper OpenSSL directories: ['C:\\RUBY\\RailsInstaller\\
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
running egg_info
creating pip-egg-info\pyOpenSSL.egg-info
writing dependency_links to pip-egg-info\pyOpenSSL.egg-info\dependency_links.txt
writing pip-egg-info\pyOpenSSL.egg-info\PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to pip-egg-info\pyOpenSSL.egg-info\top_level.txt
writing manifest file 'pip-egg-info\pyOpenSSL.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
warning: manifest_maker: standard file '-c' not found
error: Only found improper OpenSSL directories: ['C:\\RUBY\\RailsInstaller\\Git'
Cleaning up...
Command python setup.py egg_info failed with error code 1 in c:\users\compaq\app
Storing debug log for failure in C:\Users\COMPAQ\pip\pip.log