I have been working on Google SpreadSheet API in iOS swift, but theres a problem in updating a specific field in SpreadSheet row/data in iOS Swift,
Following is the code that adds one row on the top of spreadsheet, But I want on a particular index or matching a particular value,
let service = GTLRSheetsService()
service.authorizer = GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().currentUser.authentication.fetcherAuthorizer()
service.apiKey = Constants.GOOGLE_SPEADSHEET_API_KEY
let range = "Employee List!A2:D"
let valueRange = GTLRSheets_ValueRange.init()
valueRange.values = [[job.jobTitle!]] //want to add job title on specific field after maching employee name
let query = GTLRSheetsQuery_SpreadsheetsValuesUpdate.query(withObject: valueRange, spreadsheetId: Constants.SPREAD_SHEET_ID, range: range)
query.valueInputOption = "USER_ENTERED"
service.executeQuery(query) { (ticket, response, error) in
This Code adds job title on the top of B2 column, but I want to add this on a specific row, by checking the name and then add job against it.
PS: The data looks like this
Want to add job title by matching the particular employee name, ref to image
Can somebody help me out?
Thank you very much