Using MySQL Connector/Python I have a loop that keeps checking a value for a change every 2 seconds. Without all the meat, here is the loop (the print is there for testing purposes:
while True:
request = database.get_row(table="states", wherecol="state", whereval="request_from_interface")[0]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# back to normal operation
get_row is a simple select query and it returns the namedtuple fetchall (hence the [0] at the end, it will only ever be one row).
The problem is that once it gets the initial value, it keeps returning that value even if I change it. For example, if it is "0" to start, it keeps printing "0" even if I go to adminer and change it and even if I open a new terminal and change it and commit it. I've tried setting the query_cache_size to 0, still no luck. I thought it was a commit problem, but that wasn't it, either. If I change it and reconnect, I see the change, but I'm not sure why it won't change while in the program. Any thoughts?
EDIT: in case it comes up, yes I'm closing the cursor and grabbing a new cursor with every call.