I have just joined an IT company & started working with ColdFusion. My Manager wants me to write code in ColdFusion which:
- Will scan any directory (say
) which contains hundreds of files including jQuery files, cfm files etc. and give the counts of such files (we can manually select which file type to show).
I wrote this code:
directory="direcoty path"
recurse = "yes"
filter="*.*" />
<cfoutput>No of Java Script: #files.recordCount#</cfoutput>
but it shows one file type at a time. How can I check multiple file types at the same time?
For the first question, there's two approaches. Either loop over each of the different file types you're interested in, doing a cfdirectory for each.
<cfset filetypes = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset arrayAppend(filetypes, "js")>
<cfset arrayAppend(filetypes, "cfm")>
<cfset arrayAppend(filetypes, "pdf")>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(filetypes)#">
directory="directory path"
recurse = "yes"
filter="*.#filetypes[i]#" />
<cfoutput>No of #filetypes[i]# files: #files.recordCount#<br></cfoutput>
Or you can do multiple file types in one CFDirectory, see http://www.bennadel.com/blog/1221-CFDirectory-Filtering-Uses-Pipe-Character-For-Multiple-Filters-Thanks-Steve-Withington-.htm
directory="directory path"
recurse = "yes"
filter="*.js|*.cfm|*.pdf" />
<cfoutput>No of JS/CFM/PDF files: #files.recordCount#</cfoutput>