There's a dropdown displaying 1-10 from where the user selects the number of textboxes he wants - if he chooses unlimited, it shows him a textbox wherein he enters the exact number of textboxes he'd like. if he enters 40, it shows him 40 textboxes which are created at runtime.
My question is, how do I enter the data from 40 - or 'whatever number he enters' textboxes into the MS SQL database. There's no way I can create a column name dynamically, and that'd be too tedious and messy. Is there any way I can do this?
What you have is a 1-to-many relationship between whatever it is that is on that page and the comments or descriptions or whatever. You shouldn't have this modeled in your database as text_box_1, text_box_2, etc. Instead, it should be:
some_entity_id INT NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE Some_Entity_Comments
some_entity_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_number INT NOT NULL,
comments VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Some_Entity_Comments
PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (some_entity_id, comment_number),
CONSTRAINT FK_Some_Entity_Comments_Some_Entity
FOREIGN KEY (some_entity_id) REFERENCES Some_Entity (some_entity_id)
Once that's done, you can use code similar to what Mun wrote to handle things on the front end. You'll just pass the text box index as the comment_number.
When you create the textboxes, you can give them sequential ID's, and then iterate through these on the postback, writing the values to your database.
For example:
/// <Summary>
/// This would be fired when the user enters the number of textboxes
/// the want and click the 'Create Textboxes' button.
/// </Summary>
protected void CreateTextBoxes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Check how many textboxes the user wants
int count = Convert.ToInt32(CountTextBox.Text);
// Generate the number of textboxes requested
// and add them to the page
for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
// Create the textbox
TextBox textbox = new Textbox();
// Set the ID so we can access it later
textbox.ID = "TextBox_" + i;
// Add the textbox to the panel
/// <Summary>
/// This would be fired when the user has entered values in the textboxes
/// and clicked the Save button to save the values to the database.
/// </Summary>
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Check how many textboxes the user created
int count = Convert.ToInt32(CountTextBox.Text);
// Loop through them
for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
// Get the TextBox
TextBox textbox = (TextBox) FindControl("TextBox_" + i);
// Get the value
string val = textbox.Text;
// Insert into DB
Have you considered storing the data as an XML field in the database?
If you have 40+ text boxes you could just have a simple schema to store them like:
<TextBox ID="TextBox1">Value1</TextBox>
<TextBox ID="TextBox2">Value2</TextBox>
<TextBox ID="TextBox3">Value3</TextBox>
... etc ...
No need for dynamic fields in your DB. You should also store the schema somewhere as well. This is a good way to store dynamic data that can change from record to record.
Mun, it's giving me the error of Object Reference Not Set at this line:
// Get the value
string val = textbox.Text;
seems like it cannot find the control of the textbox.