There is often the business question to show all categories and how often these categories are used.
This question is easy to answer with an query:
SELECT c.*, count(*) FROM category_assignment ca LEFT JOIN category c on ca.c_id = group by
What i am asking for is your suggested way to map the result set based on the following:
public class CategoryAssignment {
int id;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Category category;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Car car;
public class Category {
String id;
TypeEnum type;
public class Car {
int id;
String name;
From my point of view the best result of the mapping would be to get a custom object which contains the Category as entity and the count number as additional variable right out of the repository call:
MappingResult result = repository.getCategoriesAndTheirCountOfType(TypeEnum type);
public class MappingResult {
Category category;
BigInteger count;
To only way i was able to achieve it until now was to map the result set manually. But i hope there are easier ways to map it.
You can use Projections to get it:
public interface CategoryAndCount {
Category getCategory();
Long getUsageCount();
public interface CategoryAssignmentRepository extends CrudRepository<CategoryAssignment, Integer> {
@Query("select c as category, count(*) as usageCount from CategoryAssignment ca join ca.category c where c.type = ?1 group by c")
CategoryAndCount getCategoriesAndTheirCountOfType(TypeEnum type);
Don't forget to add alias to field in the query (c as category, count(*) as usageCount).
More info
You can have it as a property of a Catgeory by following one of 2 approaches. The benefit is that the property is always available and you do not need to call any specific query.
- Create a database view, say category_summary_data and then map this to Category using either a secondary table or as a
@Table(name = "categories")
@SecondaryTable(name = "category_summary_data", pkJoinColumns = {...})
public class Category {
String id;
TypeEnum type;
@Column(name = "usage_count", table = "category_summary_data", insertable = false, updateable = false)
// do not use int
Integer usageCount;
- Alternatively you can use some provider extension. Hibernate offers the
annotation which you can use to set computed values.
@Table(name = "categories")
public class Category {
String id;
TypeEnum type;
@Formula("some sql to count the records")
int usageCount;