I work on a machine with win 7 32bit on visual studio 2010.
I tried to run in release mode a code that work fine on other computer(win7 64bit), and the following message came up:
The program can't start because msvcp80.dll is missing...
I tried looking up at threads dealing with this problem. tried to install diffrent Redistributable runtime versions. tried to copy those files(msvcp80.dll,msvcm80.dll, msvcr80.dll) to the project dir. and some diffrent things I don't even realised what I'm doing.
maybe some other ideas?
thanks for your answers.
before i started the project i confirm all the build dll are 32bit.
I work on a 'opencv' project and narrow the problem to this one: the only problem occurred on opencv_imgproc230 lib function (like cvtColor, GaussianBlur)' what cause me to check with the program above(the_mandrill's link) the includes at this dll. it's include(or point I guess) for msvcp100.dll what seems reasonable because i work on VS10 enviroment.but even though it's screams for msvcp80.dll what belongs to VS80 I think.
by the way, when i manually include (msvcp80.dll,msvcm80.dll, msvcr80.dll) it's screams:
"R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the c runtime library incorrectly..."
It's seems that it's need to tell him to work with the VS10 version(for this dll's/runtime library)