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Insert and update in a cursor in SQL Server
1 answer
I have the below SQl Table which has the data generated randomly
Code Data
SL Payroll 22
SL Payroll 33
SL Payroll 43
.. .....
I want to transfer the data so the format becomes as shown below
Code Data1 Data2 Data3 ..
SL Payroll 22 33 43 ....
Someone suggested Pivot table to transform the data as below
[22] Data1,
[33] Data2,
[43] Data3
MAX(Data) FOR Data IN([22],[33],[43])
but this assumes the data points are static like 22,33 but they are dynamically generated. Can someone please help me out.
I would use conditional aggregate along with row_number()
select code,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then code end) as code_1,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then code end) as code_2,
max(case when seqnum = 3 then code end) as code_3
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by code order by data) as seqnum
from t
) t
group by code;
If you have a know or maximum number of desired columns, you can do a simple PIVOT, otherwise, you would need to go DYNAMIC
Select *
From (
Select [Code]
,[Col] = concat('Data',Row_Number() over (Partition By [Code] Order by 1/0))
From YourTable
) src
Pivot (max([Data]) for [Col] in ([Data1],[Data2],[Data3],[Data4],[Data5])) pvt
Code Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5
SL Payroll 22 33 43 NULL NULL
to do dynamic pivot I did it a long way back.
UPDATED: Made more close to your code and talble names.
This will work for however many columns you want for the PIVOT, doesnt matter if 1 or 20
DECLARE @SelectFieldNameList as varchar(8000)
DECLARE @SelectFieldNameListCount as varchar(8000)
Set @SelectFieldNameList = ''
Set @SelectFieldNameListCount = ''
-- this section selects the list of firm location names and puts them in a string to be used in the pivot
-- it does it for the field select list and the count select using ISNULL so it puts a 0 if no counts returned
SELECT top (999999) @SelectFieldNameList = @SelectFieldNameList + case when @SelectFieldNameList = '' then '' else ', ' end
+ '[' + Data + ']',
@SelectFieldNameListCount = @SelectFieldNameListCount + case when @SelectFieldNameListCount = '' then '' else ', ' end
+ 'ISNULL([' + Data + '], ''0'')' + Data
From TableName
Where Data IS NOT NULL AND Ltrim(Data) <> ''
Group by Data
-- just for testing
select @SelectFieldNameList, @SelectFieldNameListCount
-- NOW USE THE ABOVE TO get the data pivoted with your dyanic fields
SELECT [Code], ' + @SelectFieldNameListCount + '
SELECT [Code], Data, Sum(CountTotal) as CountTotal
From TableName
Group by [Code], Data
) AS TableToBePivoted
FOR Data IN (' + @SelectFieldNameList + ')
) AS PivotedTable
order by [Code];