I am want to be able to change the content of a popup on a leafletjs map. I have have hundreds of markers each with their own popup, they are loaded in a for loop from an array.
var marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(a[0], a[1]), { title: title });
marker.bindPopup('<img width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" src="'+a[3]+'"/><br><div id="weather"> <button type="button" onclick="weatherload(\''+a[0]+'\',\''+a[1]+'\')">Click Me for Weather!</button></div>',{'maxWidth':'500','maxHeight':'350','minWidth':'350'});
That makes a popup with a picture and a button. When the button is clicked I want the button to go away being replaced by a loading gif. While an AJAX function asks the sever for a few things, once it gets the data from the sever, it should change content again. I can do all of that with the id on the div, but that breaks the re-sizing of the popup, which I would like to work.
can be used to force it to resize, but how do I tell it which is myPopup to work on?
I understand setContent is the proper way to update the popup, but again, how do I tell it which popup is the active one that I want to work on?
How to identify Marker during a popupopen
event? That looks promising, but I have not figured out how to use the id that is set that way to change the popup content.
for grammar.