I want the following line inside a *.tex file to be printed "as is":
while (tmp[0] == '\r' || tmp[0] == '\n') {tmp++;}
When I wrap it in a \verb command like this:
\verb"while (tmp[0] == '\r' || tmp[0] == '\n') {tmp++;}"
it doesn't work, and I get:
! Undefined control sequence.
All other google answers are so complicated.
Surely, there's got to be an easy way to do this, right? Thanks!
Here is the minimal counter example requested in the comments:
% document class: beamer %
% no navigation bars please %
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]{}
% no navigation symbols please %
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% no footers at all please %
% center the title please %
% begin document %
% title %
\title{Some Title}
% author %
\author{Some Author}
% date ... %
% frame ... %
% SECTION :: Introduction %
\section{Section Introduction}
% Frame Title :: Introduction %
% Items :: Begin %
while (tmp[0] == 'A' $||$ tmp[1] == 'B') $\{$tmp++;$\}$