How can I pass the data of an Array
to another Array
using VB6
In VB6, array is copied on a simple assignment.
Dim arr1() As Long
Dim arr2() As Long
ReDim arr1(1 To 10)
'Fill arr1 with data
arr2 = arr1
Try this:
Dim lArray1(3) As Long
Dim lArray2(3) As Long
Dim count As Long
lArray1(0) = 1
lArray1(1) = 2
lArray1(2) = 3
lArray2(0) = 10
lArray2(1) = 20
lArray2(2) = 30
For count = LBound(lArray1) To UBound(lArray1)
lArray2(count) = lArray1(count)
Next count
Erase lArray2
if its not fixed length you will need to use redim in the loop.
I have already answered my questions :) Thank you guys for the help but this is what I did.
'Delete items in Array first
For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(time2) - 1
time2(lngIndex) = time2(lngIndex + 1)
'Next thing is
'Insert items in Array
For lngIndex = UBound(time1) - 1 To 0 Step -1
time1(lngIndex + 1) = time2(lngIndex)
This code solve my problem :)