If I have something like this
return this.retrieveArticles(blogId).then(function(response){
return response.articles;
}).then(_).call("findWhere", match).then(function(article){
return {
"article": article
and I decide to chop the top bit off
return response.articles;
}).then(_).call("findWhere", match).then(function(article){
return {
"article": article
How do I do something like
Promise.return(articles).then(_).call("findWhere", match).then(function(article){
return {
"article": article
Promise.resolve(_(articles)).call("findWhere", match);
Promise.resolve(articles).then(_).call("findWhere", match);
From then
you can directly return value:
var p = someFn().then(function(){
return 43;
console.log(val); // 42
If you're not in a chain you can use Promise.resolve
var p = Promise.resolve(42);
console.log(val); // 42
Most libraries offer variants of these. Another example is Bluebird - in bluebird you can use Promise.method
to force a function to return a promise regardless of whether or not you're returning a value or a promise yourself.
function promiseString(str){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return resolve(str)
promiseString("hello world").then(function(x){