I am trying to make the cancel function work for my array it works for a simple input box but Array(InputBox( does not like it very much.
Working code.
If strVarValue = vbNullString Then
MsgBox ("User canceled!")
End If
What I need help with
strIPAddress = Array(InputBox("IP address"))
If strIPAddress = vbNullString Then
MsgBox ("User canceled!")
End If
Doesn't like the Array hence why I'm getting type mismatch.
Do the conversion only if the user did not press "Cancel":
userInput = InputBox("IP address")
If userInput = "" Then
MsgBox ("User canceled!")
End If
strIPAddress = Array(userInput)
Also, if you want to distinguish between "user pressed Cancel" and "user pressed OK without entering a value" you need to check if the variable is Empty
userInput = InputBox("IP address")
If IsEmpty(userInput) Then
MsgBox ("User canceled!")
ElseIf userInput = "" Then
MsgBox ("Missing input!")
WScript.Quit 1
End If
strIPAddress = Array(userInput)