I am dispatching a queue to download some flickr photos on a separate thread (in viewWillAppear). When I log the contents of the array inside the block, it shows everything perfectly:
dispatch_queue_t photoDowonload=dispatch_queue_create("photoDownload", NULL);
dispatch_async(photoDowonload, ^{
NSArray *photoList=[FlickrFetcher topPlaces]; //downloads flickr data
NSLog(@"inside block: %@", self.listOfCities); //shows contents
but when I try to log the array that was set inside the block outside the block, it returns null.
dispatch_queue_t photoDowonload=dispatch_queue_create("photoDownload", NULL);
dispatch_async(photoDowonload, ^{
NSArray *photoList=[FlickrFetcher topPlaces];
NSLog(@"after block: %@", self.listOfCities); //returns null
What's the problem here? self.listOfCities is set up as NSArray property so once it's set in the block, it should be accessible outside of it.