I have this web page source:
<a href="/StefaniStoikova"><img alt="" class="head" id="face_6306494" src="http://img0.ask.fm/assets/054/771/271/thumb_tiny/sam_7082.jpg" /></a>
<a href="/devos"><img alt="" class="head" id="face_18603180" src="http://img7.ask.fm/assets/043/424/871/thumb_tiny/devos.jpg" /></a>
<a href="/frenop"><img alt="" class="head" id="face_4953081" src="http://img1.ask.fm/assets/029/163/760/thumb_tiny/dsci0744.jpg" /></a>
And I want to extract the string right after the <a href-"
. But my main problem is that these strings are different and I don't seem to find a way. With neither agilitypack or webrequests.
Maybe someone has idea about regular expression? Share it.