I'm exploring angular2 + angular-cli + typescript. My objective is to ensure that if I am doing an angular app or a node app in typescript I would be using the same testing technologies as legacy node apps that use mocha. To this end I am trying to reconfigure the angular-cli generated protractor.conf.js
to use mocha instead of jasmine.
How do you properly integrate angular-cli + mocha + protractor so that tests will execute with protractor actually providing the mocha specs useful browser/element/by components?
I've already changed the protractor.conf.js
to use mocha and chai and the tests complete, however all interactions with protractor components fail i.e. element(by.css('app-root h1')).getText()
converted protractor.conf.js
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000, // The timeout for a script run on the browser.
specs: [
'./e2e/**/*.e2e-spec.ts' // pattern for the test specs
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/', // base url of the SUT
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome' // browser to use
directConnect: true, // selenium will not need a server, direct connet to chrome
framework: 'mocha', // Use mocha instead of jasmine
mochaOpts: { // Mocha specific options
reporter: "spec",
slow: 3000,
ui: 'bdd',
timeout: 30000
beforeLaunch: function() { // Do all the typescript
project: 'e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json'
onPrepare: function() {}
It feels like the issue is that the suite is executing (and failing) before the the browser has even loaded the app. This could be the protractor/browser interaction which from what I understand should be agnostic to the spec that's being used. Perhaps this understanding is incorrect?
Example Source
I have a running example on GitHub which I am using to test and compare the conversion
- Broken branch using mocha
- Working master using jasmine
Investigation so far
Running protractor (via node) on the command line node node_modules\protractor\bin\protractor protractor.conf.js --stackTrace --troubleshoot
shows us that the suite is configured and running with a truthy
test, a skipped test, and the actual application tests
Suite results
We see that the truthy test is passing, the skipped test is skipped, and the application tests all fail with the same sort of error
1 passing
1 pending
5 failing
1) A descriptive test name that is irrelevant to the error:
TypeError: obj.indexOf is not a function
at include (node_modules\chai\lib\chai\core\assertions.js:228:45)
at doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen (node_modules\chai-as-promised\lib\chai-as-promised.js:293:29)
at .<anonymous> (node_modules\chai-as-promised\lib\chai-as-promised.js:271:25)
at chainableBehavior.method (node_modules\chai\lib\chai\utils\overwriteChainableMethod.js:51:34)
at assert (node_modules\chai\lib\chai\utils\addChainableMethod.js:84:49)
at (e2e\search\search.e2e-spec.ts:14:40)
at runTest (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\testing\index.js:166:22)
at node_modules\selenium-webdriver\testing\index.js:187:16
at new ManagedPromise (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\lib\promise.js:1067:7)
at controlFlowExecute (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\testing\index.js:186:14)
From: Task: A descriptive test name that is irrelevant to the error
at Context.ret (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\testing\index.js:185:10)
It appears that the TypeError
would be caused because the app itself never seems to have to time to actually load in the browser before the suite is complete
--troubleshoot output
[09:26:33] D/launcher - Running with --troubleshoot
[09:26:33] D/launcher - Protractor version: 5.1.1
[09:26:33] D/launcher - Your base url for tests is http://localhost:4200/
[09:26:33] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
[09:26:36] D/runner - WebDriver session successfully started with capabilities Capabilities {
'acceptSslCerts' => true,
'applicationCacheEnabled' => false,
'browserConnectionEnabled' => false,
'browserName' => 'chrome',
'chrome' => { chromedriverVersion: '2.28.455520 (cc17746adff54984afff480136733114c6b3704b)',
userDataDir: 'C:\\Users\\abartish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\scoped_dir4596_5000' },
'cssSelectorsEnabled' => true,
'databaseEnabled' => false,
'handlesAlerts' => true,
'hasTouchScreen' => false,
'javascriptEnabled' => true,
'locationContextEnabled' => true,
'mobileEmulationEnabled' => false,
'nativeEvents' => true,
'networkConnectionEnabled' => false,
'pageLoadStrategy' => 'normal',
'platform' => 'Windows NT',
'rotatable' => false,
'takesHeapSnapshot' => true,
'takesScreenshot' => true,
'unexpectedAlertBehaviour' => '',
'version' => '56.0.2924.87',
'webStorageEnabled' => true }
[09:26:36] D/runner - Running with spec files ./e2e/**/*.e2e-spec.ts
Additional Info
Interestingly enough, if you run protractor with elementExplorer node node_modules\protractor\bin\protractor protractor.conf.js --stackTrace --troubleshoot --elementExplorer
it will not run the tests but we do see the SUT resolve in the browser that gets launched. This I can't explain.