I have 3 parallel promises or api requests once all teh three are done, I need to call another api request based on the second promise and then finally call .then( of $q.all
Here is the code
getAllLocations() {
//make a promise call for all here .
var promise = [];
(locationsData) => {
this.locations = locationsData;
(resp) => {
this.states = resp.data;
(resp) => {
this.utilizations = resp.data;
$q.all(promise).then(() => {
var nodePromise = [];
angular.forEach(this.states, function(node) {
var nodeId = node.Id;
(resp) => {
node.healthStatus = resp.data.operationalStatus;
this.$q.all(nodePromise).then(() => {
var index = this.states.indexOf(node);
this.states.splice(index, 1, angular.copy(node));
}).then(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < this.locations.length; i++) {
//do something here with this.states
this.gridData = this.locations;
I need this.states updated with healthStatus property when i am in the for loop of this.locations. ( the last.then )
However , i see that this.locations for loop is done ahead before the node.healthStatus property is set on each state.
How can this be done? Using Promises instead of $q is fine. Please let me know how can i achieve this , i have tried all in vain