In the sandbox environment, I'm having trouble advancing a turnbased match to the next player.
Initial conditions:
- Player A and Player B on Device A and Device B, respectively.
- Both logged into the sandbox
- Both players can see each other's GC status message
- Player A creates a match and invites player B
- Player A ends the turn
In my "end turn" function I do the following:
NSLog(@"size = %ld", updatedMatchData.length);
//move the current player to the bottom of the list
NSMutableArray *nextPlayers = (NSMutableArray *)theMatch.participants;
NSLog(@"%@", [nextPlayers description]);
GKTurnBasedParticipant *firstGuy = nextPlayers[0];
[nextPlayers removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[nextPlayers addObject:firstGuy];
NSLog(@"%@", [nextPlayers description]);
//send the match to the servers
//"theMatch" was recorded in turnBasedMatchmakerViewController:didFindMatch
[theMatch endTurnWithNextParticipants:nextPlayers
completionHandler:^(NSError *error)
if (error)
That produces the following log output:
size = 26926
"<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x174018630 - playerID:G:1084583147 (local player) status:Active matchOutcome:None lastTurnDate:(null) timeoutDate:(null)>",
"<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x174018ba0 - playerID:G:12962188 status:Invited matchOutcome:None lastTurnDate:(null) timeoutDate:(null)>"
"<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x174018ba0 - playerID:G:12962188 status:Invited matchOutcome:None lastTurnDate:(null) timeoutDate:(null)>",
"<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x174018630 - playerID:G:1084583147 (local player) status:Active matchOutcome:None lastTurnDate:(null) timeoutDate:(null)>"
However, player B does not receive an invite or a turn. Player B's game center app shows no active games or turns. Player A's game center continues to show that he still has a turn pending. Each time I restart and re-execute the test, Player A racks up yet another pending turn.
Player A fires player:receivedTurnEventForMatch:didBecomeActive right after I end the turn, but didBecomeActive is set to NO.
So then I changed the timeout to 30 seconds. 30 seconds after playerA ends the turn, playerA fires didBecomeActive (no). PlayerB finally receives an invite prompt. Player B fires didBecomeActive, with a value of YES.
Why does my turn not advance immediately to player B after player A ends the turn? Why does player A seem to have another turn (which then times out and passes over to player B)?