How can I write the following sp without the cursor?. More over its not giving me the desired output. I didn't write this, I am trying to interpret what is wrong with this.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AccreditationExpiryCheck]
declare @taskTypeId int = 19 -- Accreditations, automated
declare @firstActionTypeId int = 23 -- Accreditation expiring
declare @nextActionTypeId int = 3 -- Call company
declare @companyId int
declare @accreditationId int
declare @comment nvarchar(max) = N' accreditation for this company has expired.'
-- find all companies and accreditations expiring
declare companies cursor local forward_only read_only for
select c.Company_Id, a.Accred_ID
from COMPANY c
inner join MEMBERSHIP m on c.Company_ID = m.Company_ID
inner join ACCREDITATION a on c.Company_ID = a.Company_ID
-- Accreditation expired yesterday
cast(a.Accred_ExpDate as DATE) = cast(DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE)
and m.IsMember_Ind = 1
and (c.HQ_ID IS NULL OR c.HQ_ID = c.Company_ID) -- FB4640: this isn't a 'team' co (with an HQ)
-- and there is no action of this type created within 1 day
-- of the expiry date
and not exists (
select * from TaskAction ta where
ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId and
ta.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId and
ta.TaskCreatedOn BETWEEN a.Accred_ExpDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, a.Accred_ExpDate) and
ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and
ta.EntityTypeId = 1 )
open companies
fetch next from companies into @companyId, @accreditationId
declare @title nvarchar(max) =
(select AccredType_Name from ACCREDITATION_TYPE at
inner join ACCREDITATION a on at.AccredType_ID = a.AccredType_ID
where a.Accred_ID = @accreditationId)
declare @comment2 nvarchar(max) = isnull(@title, '') + ' accreditation for this company has expired.'
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
exec CreateSystemTask
fetch next from companies into @companyId,@accreditationId
close companies
deallocate companies
The following select statement from the above sp gives me the correct dataset, but the cursor which loops through gives me a different output.
select c.Company_Id, a.Accred_ID
from COMPANY c
inner join MEMBERSHIP m on c.Company_ID = m.Company_ID
inner join ACCREDITATION a on c.Company_ID = a.Company_ID
-- Accreditation expired yesterday
cast(a.Accred_ExpDate as DATE) = cast(DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE)
and m.IsMember_Ind = 1
and (c.HQ_ID IS NULL OR c.HQ_ID = c.Company_ID) -- FB4640: this isn't a 'team' co (with an HQ)
-- and there is no action of this type created within 1 day
-- of the expiry date
and not exists (
select * from TaskAction ta where
ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId and
ta.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId and
ta.TaskCreatedOn BETWEEN a.Accred_ExpDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, a.Accred_ExpDate) and
ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and
ta.EntityTypeId = 1 )