Please find the below block.
for i in 1..acd.count loop
insert into customer_account_mapping select customerid,upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i)),cost from customer_master where customername=customer_name and concat(upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i))) not in (select concat(upper(pcode),upper(acode)) from customer_account_mapping);
insert into user_permissions select distinct user_id,sales_person_name,sales_mgr_name,upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i)) from user_permissions where sales_person_name=sales_person and concat(upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i))) not in (select concat(upper(pcode),upper(acode)) from user_permissions) and rownum<2 ;
end loop;
If error occurred in first insert statement how to handle it and execute second insert statement.
wrap the lines with begin ... end ... exception
it's like try / catch
for i in 1..acd.count loop
insert into customer_account_mapping select customerid,upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i)),cost from customer_master where customername=customer_name and concat(upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i))) not in (select concat(upper(pcode),upper(acode)) from customer_account_mapping);
exception when others then
-- handle the exception
insert into user_permissions select distinct user_id,sales_person_name,sales_mgr_name,upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i)) from user_permissions where sales_person_name=sales_person and concat(upper(pcd(i)),upper(acd(i))) not in (select concat(upper(pcode),upper(acode)) from user_permissions) and rownum<2 ;
end loop;
EXCEPTION -- exception handlers begin
WHEN exception type -- handles 'division by zero' error
WHEN OTHERS THEN -- handles all other errors
Put this code block after first insert statement.