Alright I've been at this all day and can't for the life of me get this down, maybe you chaps can help. I have a file that reads as follows
1301,105515018,"Boatswain","Michael R.",ABC, 123,="R01"
1301,103993269,"Castille","Michael Jr",ABC, 123,="R03"
1301,103993267,"Castille","Janice",ABC, 123,="R03"
1301,104727546,"Bonczek","Claude",ABC, 123,="R01"
1301,104731479,"Cruz","Akeem Mike",ABC, 123,="R01"
1301,105415888,"Digiacomo","Stephen",ABC, 123,="R02"
1301,106034479,"Annitto Grassis","Susan",ABC, 123,="R04"
1301,106034459,"Als","Christian",ABC, 123,="R01"
And here is my code...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_NAME 15
#define MAX_SUBSEC 3
#define N 128
//void printArr(struct *students);
struct student{
int term;
int id;
char lastname[MAX_NAME];
char firstname[MAX_NAME];
char subjectname[MAX_SUBSEC];
int catalog;
char section[MAX_SUBSEC];
int main(){
int term;
int id;
char lastname[MAX_NAME];
char firstname[MAX_NAME];
char sub[MAX_SUBSEC];
int cat;
char sec[MAX_SUBSEC];
char fname[N];
FILE *inputf;
printf("Enter the name of the text file: ");
inputf = fopen(fname,"r");
if (inputf == NULL){
printf("I couldn't open the file for reading.\n");
fscanf(inputf, "%d,%d,%[^,]s", &students[0].term, &students[0].id,students[0].lastname);
printf("%d\n", students[0].term);
printf("%d\n", students[0].id);
printf("%s\n", students[0].lastname);
/*for (j = 1 ; j <= 10-1 ; j++){
for(k = 0 ; k <= 10-2 ; k++){
if(students[k] > students[k+1]){
temp = students[k];
students[k] = students[k+1];
students[k+1] = temp;
return 0;
void printArr(int a[], int tally){
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < tally ; i++){
printf("%d ", a[i]);
My objective is to take each one of those values in the text file and input it to where it belongs in the struct and subsequently the struct array, but I can't get passed the first 2 ints.
Getting the lastname string, because it is a max of 15 characters, it spills over into the first name string right after it and takes what remaining characters it needs in order to fill up the lastname char array. Obviously I do not want this. As you can see I have tried strtok but it doesnt do anything, not sure what I have to do though as I have never used it before. Also have tried just including all the variables into fscanf statement, but I either get the same output, or it becomes a mess. As it is, I am extremely lost, how do I get these values into the variables they belong?!
EDIT: updated my code, I have gotten a little farther but not much. I can now print out just the last name but can not more farther from there, I cant get to the firstname string or any of the variables beyond it.