URL https://nbteam.ru/
SSL - StartSSL (Free certificate). Identity Card Validation: class1-Yes, class2- no. Domain Validations: nbteam.ru - Yes. SSL/TLS Server: nbteam.ru - yes.
IE, Chrome, Safari, FF v51.0 - Ok.
Firefox no longer supports StartSSL certificates? Or the problem lies elsewhere?
Firefox no longer supports StartSSL certificates?
Exactly. Since StartSSL tried to cheat they were distrusted by at least Firefox and Chrome. From Distrusting New WoSign and StartCom Certificates:
Distrust certificates with a notBefore date after October 21, 2016 which chain up to the following affected roots. ...
The certificate of the site in question has a notBefore date of 2016/12/09 which is after the deadline.
I've created (renewed) my certs at startssl, and both chrome and firefox said it's secure. I think they have a new CA.