I have a problem that I hope you can help me with
I’m trying to use ruby to ssh onto a machine and run a bash script, this part is fairly easy but the bash script requires me to entry a username and password interactively and this is where I’m stuck
So if I run the script manually I see:-
Enter username:
Enter password:
So at the enter Username prompt I have to enter the username etc
I’ve got a simple method I use to make the connection and my idea was to pass in an array made up of
[‘command to run’, ‘username’, ‘password’]
but I don’t know how to extend the Net::SSH call to respond to the prompts
# ssh conectivity method
def command_ssh(host, cmd)
require 'net/ssh'
user = LocalConfig::SSH_DETAILS[:user]
pass = LocalConfig::SSH_DETAILS[:pass]
Net::SSH.start(host, user, :password => pass, :paranoid => false, :auth_methods => ['password'], :timeout => 10 )do |ssh |
output = (ssh.exec!(cmd[0]))
return output
anyone got any ideas