I have the following code that happens after a collection sync:
adGeneration: function() {
var child = this.children.findByIndex(this.children.length - 1);
eventer.trigger('generate:new:ad', child);
The problem I am running into, is that, after the first sync, the child
element is a blank model:
First Time:
Object {id: "5-vp39kv3uiigxecdi", size: 26, price: "9.84", face: "( ⚆ _ ⚆ )"}
Every time after:
Object {length: 40, models: Array[41], _byId: Object, _listeningTo: Object, _listenId: "l14"…}
define(["backbone", "lodash", "fonts/products/model", "eventer"],
function(Backbone, _, ProductModel, eventer) {
'use strict';
var ProductsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: ProductModel,
sort_key: 'price',
url: '/api/products',
offset: 0,
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(eventer, 'fetch:more:products', this.loadMore, this);
comparator: function(item) {
return item.get(this.sort_key);
sortByKey: function(field) {
this.sort_key = field;
parse: function(data) {
return _.chain(data)
.filter(function(item) {
if(item.id) {
return item;
item.price = this.formatCurrency(item.price);
return item;
formatCurrency: function(total) {
return (total/100).toFixed(2);
loadMore: function() {
this.offset += 1;
data: {
limit: 20,
skip: this.offset
remove: false,
success: function(collection) {
return ProductsCollection;
LayoutView that contains the View for the productions collection. The collection is fetched onShow of the layoutview
define(["marionette", "lodash", "text!fonts/template.html",
"fonts/controls/view", "fonts/products/view", "fonts/products/collection", "eventer"],
function(Marionette, _, templateHTML, ControlsView, ProductsView,
ProductsCollection, eventer) {
'use strict';
var FontsView = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
regions: {
controls: '#controls',
products: '#products-list'
template: _.template(templateHTML),
initialize: function() {
this._controlsView = new ControlsView();
this._productsView = new ProductsView({
collection: new ProductsCollection({
reorderOnSort: false,
sort: false
this.listenTo(this._productsView.collection, 'sync', this.loading, this);
this.listenTo(eventer, 'fetch:more:products', this.loading, this);
this.listenTo(eventer, 'products:end', this.productsEnd, this);
onRender: function() {
onShow: function() {
data: {
limit: 20
productsEnd: function() {
this.$el.find('#loading').html("~ end of catalogue ~")
loading: function() {
var toggle = this.$el.find('#loading').is(':hidden');
return FontsView;
define(["marionette", "lodash", "text!ads/template.html", "eventer"],
function(Marionette, _, templateHTML, eventer) {
'use strict';
var AdsView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: _.template(templateHTML),
ui: {
ad: '.ad'
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(eventer, 'generate:new:ad', this.generateNewAd, this);
onShow: function() {
// Set add image onShow
this.ui.ad.prop('src', '/ad/' + this.randomNumber());
generateNewAd: function(childView) {
var newAd = this.ui.ad.clone(),
element = childView.$el,
elementId = childView.model.get("id");
newAd.prop('src', '/ad/' + this.randomNumber());
$("#" + elementId).after(newAd);
randomNumber: function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
setUpAd: function() {
this.ui.ad.prop('src', '/ad/' + this.randomNumber());
return AdsView;