I'm creating a Blog with Django and I need to insert images on the posts. As far as I know, the best package for that is django-adminfiles
The installation guide is pretty simple but I don't understand the 3rd step(because of my bad English level :S):
Make the contents of the adminfiles/static/adminfiles directory available at STATIC_URL/adminfiles. This can be done by through your webserver configuration, via an app such as django.contrib.staticfiles, or by copying the files or making a symlink.
I have run collecstatic, copy the files of adminfiles/static/adminfiles to my static directory and nothing seems to work. When I write a post, it should appear like in this video but the image thumbmails and "All uploads images","Upload","Refresh".... doesn't appear. I'm pretty new to Django and I'm a bit lost with this silly question. ¿Does someone know what i have to do here?