I'm trying to do test automation with a bash script using if then else statements but I'm running into a few errors. For one, when I try to execute it I'm doing something wrong with the variable assignment with j and k, because it tells me that the command j and the command k aren't found when I try to execute. How do you correctly create variables? The most confusing thing though is when I try to execute the script I get an error telling me I have an unexpected token near fi, and then it just says 'fi'. What am I doing wrong here?
j = 0
k = 0
echo Test1:
echo -ne "0\nIn\nUG\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
echo Test2:
echo -ne "0\nOut\nUG\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
echo Test3:
echo -ne "0\nIn\nGR\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
echo Test4:
echo -ne "0\nOut\nGR\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
for i in {1..17}
echo Test$((i+4)):
if[ "$j" -eq 0 ] && [ "$k" -eq 0 ] then
$j = 1
echo -ne "$i\nIn\nUG\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
elif[ "$j" -eq 1 ] && [ "$k" -eq 0 ] then
$k = 1
echo -ne "$i\nIn\nGR\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
elif[ "$j" -eq 1 ] && [ "$k" -eq 1 ] then
$j = 0
echo -ne "$i\nOut\nUG\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
elif[ "$j" -eq 0 ] && [ "$k" -eq 1 ] then
$k = 0
echo -ne "$i\nOut\nGR\n" | /u/cgi_web/Tuition/cost
EDIT: I figure out the variable issue with j and k, I had to remove the spaces in the statement.