I hava a viewmodel as follow :
['jquery', 'knockout', 'knockout.mapping', 'data/data', 'models/models'],
function ($, ko, mapping, data, models) {
var post = {},
getPost = function (param) {
$.when(data.deferredRequest('postDetail', param.id))
.done(function (result) {
mapping.fromJS(result, {}, post);
console.log(result.title === post.title()); // ---> this is true
console.log(ko.isObservable(post.title)); // ---> this is true
return {
post : post,
getPost: getPost
I want to show title property in the html as follow :
<section id="section-post-detail" class="view" >
<div class="page-header">
<h3 data-bind="text: post.title"></h3> <!-- show nothing -->
<h3 data-bind="text: post().title"></h3> <!-- error -->
<h3 data-bind="text: post.title()"></h3> <!-- error -->
I tried three ways to show title property, however all those are failed. Did I miss anything?
I tweaked source code as follow. I added title property on viewmodel and updated it inside the getPost and then I succesfully accessed the title property of the viewmodel, not title property on post model.
['jquery', 'knockout', 'knockout.mapping', 'data/data', 'models/models'],
function ($, ko, mapping, data, models) {
var post = {},
title = ko.observable(''),
getPost = function (param) {
$.when(data.deferredRequest('postDetail', param.id))
.done(function (result) {
mapping.fromJS(result, {}, post);
console.log(result.title === post.title()); // ---> this is true
console.log(ko.isObservable(post.title)); // ---> this is true
return {
post : post,
title : title,
getPost: getPost
<section id="section-post-detail" class="view" >
<div class="page-header">
<h3 data-bind="text: title"></h3>
However, as you see data-bind="text: title" is not the title propery on post, but the title property on viewmodel. This is not what I want. I would like to acces title property on post object.
Please correct my approacth.