Passing data between view in xamarin forms using m

2019-03-04 11:36发布


I'm trying to navigate between pages and bind data at same time.

This is what I have tried :

public ICommand GetIdeasCommand
        return new Command(async () =>
            Ideas = await _apiServices.GetIdeasAsync();
            await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new IdeasSinglePage(Ideas));

It is supposed the Ideas is a list of arrays I get from the json. But this approach is not helping me since I get a blank page. Also if I call this function inside the page everything is fine. This post gave me an idea : How to pass a parameter from one Page to another Page in Xamarin.Forms?

My view :

<ContentPage xmlns=""
          Title="My Page">


                    <StackLayout Padding="20, 10">
                        <Label Text="{Binding Ideas}"

Code behind :

public partial class IdeasSinglePage : ContentPage
    public IdeasSinglePage(List<Models.Ideas> ideas)

      this.BindingContext = new IdeasSinglePage(ideas); //the app breaks here



Your understanding of BindingContext is lacking. Usually you bind a ViewModel to a BindingContext. What you're doing here

this.BindingContext = new IdeasSinglePage(ideas); //the app breaks here

doesn't make sense.

You are passing as context the page you want to load ? Just delete this line completely. Since in your recent comments you said you didn't want a ViewModel to begin with, what you will do in your CodeBehind is:

public partial class IdeasSinglePage : ContentPage
  public IdeasSinglePage(List<Models.Ideas> ideas)
    listViewName.ItemsSource = ideas;

And in your xml you give your listView a Name. You need this Name for referencing the list on code behind.

Hope it helps


Your problem is obvious, you are passing the data to the ContentPage but you do nothing with it. Generally speaking passing a parameter from one ViewModel to another ViewModel is a very simple problem.

Here is an illustration without XAML:

public class MyFirstPage : ContentPage
  public MyFirstPage()
    this.BindingContext = new MyFirstPageViewModel();

public class MyFirstPageViewModel : INotifyPorpertyChanged
  public ICommand<List<string>> DownloadDataCmd { get; }

  public MyFirstPageViewModel()
    DownloadDataCmd = new Command<List<string>>(async () => {
        var data = await dataService.DownloadData();
        await navService.PushAsync(new MySecondPage(data));

public class MySecondPage : ContentPage
  public MySecondPage(List<string> downloadedData)
    this.BindingContext = new MySecondPageViewModel(downloadedData);

public class MySecondPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
  public List<string> Data { get; }
  public MySecondPageViewModel(List<string> downloadedData)
     // Do whatever is needed with the data
     Data = downloadedData;

Now, looking at this solution there are few questions:
1. Why not to download the data directly on the second page?
2. Why not to store the data in cache or db if you need it across the app?