I have a document that lists post item ids for an author separated out by topic. This results in a document such as the following:
_id: "sdkafjsadkfjads3023",
Author: "SomeGuy"
RecentPosts: {
"topic-1": {
Count: 4,
Posts: ["postitemid1","postitemid2","postitemid2","postitemid3"]
"topic-2": {
Count: 3
Posts: ["postitem5","postitem6","postitem8"]
Most of the time I am doing atomic pushes to each of these post arrays in the same update. What I want to do is limit the arrays above to 10 items at all times. This way, anytime I do a pushall to the same topic/posts. Is what I'm asking even possible, or should I do this a different way?
Thanks in advance