I read the top answer to this question regarding the use of jQuery Deferred.
I'm looping through an array of IDs. For each ID, I need to get data pertaining to it either from an ajax request, or from a cache if an ajax request had already successfully returned the data before.
During each loop, I use a $.when() to observe whether getData() returns something from cache or a successful ajax call, before processing that ID. The current problem is that the ID processing proceeds anyways without waiting for getData()'s ajax to succeed.
Some pseudocode:
var IDs = ["1", "2", "1", "3", "1"];
//ID "1" is repeated
//data for "1" should should require ajax get the first time
//subsequent processing should get data for "1" from dataCache
var dataCache = [];
function getData(ID){
if (/*data for ID in dataCache*/){
//return data pertaining to ID from dataCache
} else {
return $.getJSON("returnJSONDataByID/" + ID, function(resp){
//push resp data to dataCache
for (/*each item i in IDs*/){
//process IDs[i] data
//this is the resolved handler, which should be executed
//when either getData() returns data from the dataCache,
//or $.getJSON succeeds
//PROBLEM: this is currently executing every loop and
//and doesn't wait for the ajax to return resp