I use Ant as a build tool, I put this line into my Ant script at the very beginning:
<taskdef name="pure-java-rpm" classname="org.redline_rpm.ant.RedlineTask" classpath="lib/ant/redline-1.1.16.jar" />
I call it further:
<pure-java-rpm group="Games" name="${project-unix-name}" version="0" destination="${destdir}">
<zipfileset prefix="/usr/share/games/${project-unix-name}" file="${destdir}/${game-jar-filename}"/>
<depends name="java" version=">= 1.7"/>
I get the following error message: BUILD FAILED /home/gouessej/Documents/programmation/java/workspace/tuer/build.xml:445: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/bzip2/BZip2CompressorInputStream
However, Apache Commons Compress isn't mentioned, it doesn't seem to be a dependency of this library according to the "usage" page. Do I really have to add Apache Commons Compress into the classpath of this task definition to make it work? Is there another solution?