I am trying to troubleshoot why my code returned null for all my queries and finally found that sql query returns nothing. I created a new AIR document (s:WindowedApplication) with minimalistic code:
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private var sqlConnection:SQLConnection;
private var select:SQLStatement;
private var databaseFile:File;
protected function windowedapplication1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
var dbPath:String = "Movie Manager Settings/moovioDB2.db";
databaseFile = File.userDirectory.resolvePath(dbPath);
sqlConnection = new SQLConnection();
select = new SQLStatement();
sqlConnection.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, onDatabaseOpen);
private function onDatabaseOpen(event:SQLEvent):void
select.sqlConnection = sqlConnection;
var query:String = "SELECT title FROM movies";
select.text = query;
select.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, done);
private function done(event:SQLEvent):void{
var res:SQLResult = select.getResult();
Other than this code theres is just the standard tags created by Flex. Upon execution I get this error:
Error #2044: Unhandled SQLErrorEvent:. errorID=3115, operation=execute , message=Error #3115: SQL Error. , details=no such table: 'movies'
I have checked the database file with 2 different sqlite programs and executed the query successfully. Both 'movies' table and 'title' column exists. In case it matters movies is one of 3 tables and has over 10 columns all with values present.
What am I doing wrong? I used identical code(I thought) before with expected results, but after some changes now I can even get this basic code in a new document to work. Please check it out and see if I am making a stupid mistake because I can't see it :)