I've enbedded d3's force directed graph layout into extjs tabs so that each time a new tab gets added a new graph svg gets generated. No Problemo so far.
Now I intended to turn the graph into a directed one (by adding a marker and tell the lines to use it)
Each generated svg elements is following this pattern:
<svg width="100%" height="100%">
<defs><marker id="end-arrow" viewBox="0 -5 10 10" refX="6" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" orient="auto"><path d="M0,-5L10,0L0,5" fill="#ccc"></path></marker>
<g transform="translate(4,0) scale(1)"><line class="link" sig="30.84" style="stroke-width: 3;" x1="538" y1="347" x2="409" y2="467" marker-end="url(#end-arrow)"></line>
With Crome everything works just fine. So I arrived at the concusion that the structur and the way I generate the svgs should be more or less correct.
But with Firefox the Markers will only show for the first svg. (the first tab) All other svgs won't show any Arrowheads.
"Inspect Elements" tells me the Markers are there and that the lines are refering to them.
And this is where I'm running out of Ideas where or what to look for. :(