i'm making a small website and i need whoever takes over to add some content, stored in three tables which by sep '13 will have at most 500 records (small stuff). right now i'm using phpmyadmin, but adding text (one of the tables is a mini blog) requires basic html skills, which i'm sure "whoever takes over" doesn't have. do you know, alternatively:
a) a way to integrate a wysiwyg editor with phpmyadmin (at least for the TEXT fields)
b) an essential frontend to mysql which supports editing tables (just the content, not the structure) – in which i might embed an editor myself?
edit: thanks for the editor suggestions, but that's a secondary problem: at the moment i'd need a way to embed any such editor to phpmyadmin (otherwise i'd have to write the frontend myself)...
I think CK editor is what you are looking for, you can see for yourself here: http://ckeditor.com/
Here is a solution for you, I have to say that doing this is completely wrong, but if you really need it, then here is the way:
Get TinyMCE from here:
Extract the package in your phpmyadmin folder, for example in my case I put the main contents here: D:\Program Files\Wamp\apps\phpmyadmin\tiny_mce
so the tiny_mce.js
file is located at this patch D:\Program Files\Wamp\apps\phpmyadmin\tiny_mce\tiny_mce.js
Then open the file tbl_change.php
in your phpmyadmin folder and add the flowing code after <?php
echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>'
.'<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">'
.'theme : "advanced",'
.'mode : "textareas",'
.'language : "en"'
This will add the TinyMCE in all textareas of editing a record in phpmyadmin, if you needed it somewhere else, just take a look at what file is being loaded in phpmyadmin right iframe, and add that code to that file too.
I repeat that doing this is completely wrong, just do it if you really need it.
I am using jHtmlArea, a jQuery plugin, as a very simple and quick way to implement a solution for a case just like yours: http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com/
It is really really simple to use it, in the front-end. But I have not used phpMyAdmin nor any other "essential frontend". I have coded a simple back-end PHP script to save the contents into the database.
In the back-end, I am also using HTML Purifier to clean the HTML, and HTML Tidy to prettify it.
This is also useful TinyMCE "www.tinymce.com" , this WYSIWYG is seen in wordpress