Trying to compute a harmonic series.
Right now I'm entering the number I want the addition to go up to.
When I enter a small number like 1.2, the program just stops, doesn't crash, it seems to be doing calculations.
BUt it never finishes the program
here is my code
xor r14,r14 ;zero out r14 register
add r14, 2 ;start counter at 2
fld1 ;load 1 into st0
fxch st2
mov [divisor], r14 ;put 1 into st0
fidiv dword [divisor] ;divide st0 by r14
inc r14 ;increment r14
fst qword [currentSum] ;pop current sum value into currentSum
jmp addParts
fld qword [currentSum]
fadd st2 ;add result of first division to 1
fxch st2 ;place result of addition into st2
fld qword [realNumber] ;place real number into st0
;compare to see if greater than inputed value
fcom st2 ;compare st0 with st2
fstsw ax ;needed to do floating point comparisons on FPU
sahf ;needed to do floating point comaprisons on FPU
jg done ;jump if greater than
jmp denomLoop ;jump if less than
The code is basically computing the 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4 and adding it to a running sum, then compares to see if i've reached a value above what I entered, once it has it should exit the loop
do you guys see my error?