Action Performed when Button Clicked n Times

2019-03-04 05:50发布


public void boss(final Boss boss) {
    forward.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            boss.setHp(boss.getHp() - 1);
            log("" + boss.getHp());
    if(boss.getHp() > 0){

So, in the above code, I am trying to have bossHp reduce by 1 every time forward is clicked. There is a stackoverflow error with the code. (It is just calling boss() in an infinite loop.) How can I have it keep reducing bossHp by 1 every time the user clicks forward, and then stop when bossHp <= 0?

Note: Button forward is used elsewhere, too.


EDIT: Sorry about that typo earlier! the code shown is now the correct code. Any ideas? Thanks!


What I want to have happen, is it checks bossHp every time Button forward is clicked UNTIL bossHp <= 0. At which point I want to exit the method, but not before then


This should work. Also you don't have to pass boss as function parameter. You can keep that object as field in your class.

public void boss(final Boss boss) {
    forward.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            if(boss.getHp() > 0){
                boss.setHp(boss.getHp() - 1);
                log("" + boss.getHp());
            } else {
                //boss is dead