BottomNavigationView doesn\'t show menu\'s title that are inactive.
How to show titles of all menu elements in bottomNavigationBar? The problem is that in my case shown only title of element that is clicked.
BottomNavigationView doesn\'t show menu\'s title that are inactive.
How to show titles of all menu elements in bottomNavigationBar? The problem is that in my case shown only title of element that is clicked.
Implementation of BottomNavigationView
has condition: when there is more than 3 items then use shift mode.
At this moment you cannot change it through existing API and the only way to disable shift mode is to use reflection.
You\'ll need helper class:
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
public class BottomNavigationViewHelper {
public static void disableShiftMode(BottomNavigationView view) {
BottomNavigationMenuView menuView = (BottomNavigationMenuView) view.getChildAt(0);
try {
Field shiftingMode = menuView.getClass().getDeclaredField(\"mShiftingMode\");
shiftingMode.setBoolean(menuView, false);
for (int i = 0; i < menuView.getChildCount(); i++) {
BottomNavigationItemView item = (BottomNavigationItemView) menuView.getChildAt(i);
//noinspection RestrictedApi
// set once again checked value, so view will be updated
//noinspection RestrictedApi
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
Log.e(\"BNVHelper\", \"Unable to get shift mode field\", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Log.e(\"BNVHelper\", \"Unable to change value of shift mode\", e);
And then apply disableShiftMode
method on your BottomNavigationView
, but remember if you are inflating menu view from your code, you have to execute it after inflating.
Example usage:
BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView = (BottomNavigationView) findViewById(;
Remember, you\'ll need to execute this method each time you change menu items in your BottomNavigationView
You also need to update proguard configuration file (e.g., code above uses reflection and won\'t work if proguard obfuscate the mShiftingMode
-keepclassmembers class {
boolean mShiftingMode;
Thanks Muhammad Alfaifi for pointing this issue and providing snippet.
As Jolanda Verhoef pointed out the new Support library (28.0.1-alpha1
) and also the new Material Components library (1.0.0-beta01
) offers a public property which can be used to manipulate the shifting mode over 3 menu items.
In Material Components library it also applies if there are 5 menu items.
Since support library 28.0.0-alpha1:
app:labelVisibilityMode=\"labeled\" />
To disable the text animation you can also use this in your dimens.xml file:
<dimen name=\"design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size\">12sp</dimen>
Przemysław\'s answer in Kotlin as an extension function
fun BottomNavigationView.disableShiftMode() {
val menuView = getChildAt(0) as BottomNavigationMenuView
try {
val shiftingMode =\"mShiftingMode\")
shiftingMode.isAccessible = true
shiftingMode.setBoolean(menuView, false)
shiftingMode.isAccessible = false
for (i in 0 until menuView.childCount) {
val item = menuView.getChildAt(i) as BottomNavigationItemView
// set once again checked value, so view will be updated
} catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) {
Log.e(TAG, \"Unable to get shift mode field\", e)
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
Log.e(TAG, \"Unable to change value of shift mode\", e)
Usage (with Kotlin Android Extensions):
You can now use app:labelVisibilityMode=\"[labeled, unlabeled, selected, auto]\"
in 28-alpha
will keep all labels visible.unlabeled
will show only icons.selected
will only show the label for the selected item and shift
will choose labeled or selected based on the number of items you have. labeled for 1-3 items and selected for 3+ items.To disable the text animation and decrease font size use this in your dimens.xml file:
<dimen name=\"design_bottom_navigation_text_size\">10sp</dimen>
<dimen name=\"design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size\">10sp</dimen>
Works for me
app:labelVisibilityMode=\"labeled\" />
As others have pointed out, since support library 28.0.0-alpha1 it is possible:
app:labelVisibilityMode=\"labeled\" />
or you can set it programatically.
Note: if you are upgrading from an older version of support library, do not forget to raise compile SDK version. Check versions of support libraray here: Support Library versions
However, you may still get labelVisibilityMode not found message when compile, if your app depends on older versions of the design support library. If this is the case, try to upgrade to a version of the given dependency, that depends on at least the version of 28.0.0-alpha1 of design support library. If that\'s not possible, define the dependency explicitly.
If you use Gradle
To add design support dependency explicitly in your build.gradle:
implementation \'\'
I had some weird behavior with BottomNavigationView. When I was selecting any item/fragment in it, the fragment pushes BottomNavigationView a bit lower, so text of BottomNavigationView goes below the screen, so only icons were visible and text goes hidden on clicking of any item.
If you are facing that weird behavior then Here is the solution. Just remove
in your root layout of fragment. Just remove this and boom! BottomNavigationView will work fine, now it can be shown with text and icon. I had this in my root CoordinatorLayout of fragment.
Also don\'t forget to add
in your activity to disable shifting mode. Though it is not exactly related to the asked question, but still I find this helpful.
This is a third party library I use and it has many customization options like disabling shift mode, showing only icons, setting icons size, etc. BottomNavigationViewEx
For updated answer using the default. Update to latest design library
implementation \"\"
and put to your BottomNavigationView xml attributes
you can put it also as programmatically
You can find source here BottomNavigationView
Hope this helps you.
in Android sdk version 28 and above they have changed item.setShiftingMode(false)
to item.setShifting(false)
Also they removed the field mShiftingMode
So usage will be
private static final class BottomNavigationHelper {
static void removeShiftMode(BottomNavigationView view) {
BottomNavigationMenuView menuView = (BottomNavigationMenuView) view.getChildAt(0);
for (int i = 0; i < menuView.getChildCount(); i++) {
BottomNavigationItemView item = (BottomNavigationItemView) menuView.getChildAt(i);
//noinspection RestrictedApi
// set once again checked value, so view will be updated
//noinspection RestrictedApi
If you also want to get rid of that annoying little top margin animation, you need more reflection code. Here\'s the complete solution that removes any animation:
private static void disableShiftMode(BottomNavigationView view) {
BottomNavigationMenuView menuView = (BottomNavigationMenuView) view.getChildAt(0);
try {
Field shiftingMode = menuView.getClass().getDeclaredField(\"mShiftingMode\");
shiftingMode.setBoolean(menuView, false);
for (int i = 0; i < menuView.getChildCount(); i++) {
BottomNavigationItemView item = (BottomNavigationItemView) menuView.getChildAt(i);
Field shiftAmount = item.getClass().getDeclaredField(\"mShiftAmount\");
shiftAmount.setInt(item, 0);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
Timber.e(e, \"Unable to get fields\");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Timber.e(e, \"Unable to change values\");
And make sure to add that to your proguard configuration file:
-keepclassmembers class {
boolean mShiftingMode;
-keepclassmembers class {
int mShiftAmount;
just want to add that above this method disableShiftMode add below code too. @SuppressLint(\"RestrictedApi\")
update your support library to 28.0.0.
If you are using support:design:28.0.0 add this line app:labelVisibilityMode=\"unlabeled\" to your BottomNavigationView