Display Edge Label only when Hovering Over it with

2019-03-04 04:47发布


Referring back to one of my previous post which contains the full reproducible code: VisNetwork from IGraph - Can't Implement Cluster Colors to Vertices

My goal here is to change some of the visualization options from the visNetwork package graph. There are too many labels currently when I zoom in and it is very tough to distinguish which node belongs to which label. Is it possible to remove the labels from the visNetwork graph, and only display the labels when I hover over a node?

I have tried setting idToLabel = FALSE, but the labels come back when I include selectedBy = "group".

col = c("#80FF00FF", "#FF0000FF", "#FF0000FF", "#00FFFFFF",
      "#FF0000FF", "#8000FFFF", "#FF0000FF", "#FF0000FF",
      "#FF0000FF", "#FF0000FF")
i96e = graph.adjacency(g96e, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag=FALSE)
i96e <- set.vertex.attribute(i96e, name = "group",value = col)

visIgraph(i96e, idToLabel = TRUE, layout = "layout_nicely") %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, selectedBy = "group")

I feel like I practically completed what I wanted to do with this project, but it is just this last final step of only displaying the nodes when hovering over it with the cursor seems to be the issue.

Any help would be great, thanks!


You could do

names(vertex_attr(i96e))[which(names(vertex_attr(i96e)) == "label")] <- "title"
visIgraph(i96e, idToLabel = F, layout = "layout_nicely") %>%
visOptions_custom(highlightNearest = TRUE, selectedBy = "group") 

with visOptions_custom beeing:

visOptions_custom <- function (graph, width = NULL, height = NULL, highlightNearest = FALSE, 
    nodesIdSelection = FALSE, selectedBy = NULL, autoResize = NULL, 
    clickToUse = NULL, manipulation = NULL) 
    if (!any(class(graph) %in% c("visNetwork", "visNetwork_Proxy"))) {
        stop("graph must be a visNetwork or a visNetworkProxy object")
    options <- list()
    options$autoResize <- autoResize
    options$clickToUse <- clickToUse
    if (is.null(manipulation)) {
        options$manipulation <- list(enabled = FALSE)
    else {
        options$manipulation <- list(enabled = manipulation)
    options$height <- height
    options$width <- width
    if (!is.null(manipulation)) {
        if (manipulation) {
            graph$x$datacss <- paste(readLines(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/css/dataManipulation.css", 
                package = "visNetwork"), warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
    if (!"nodes" %in% names(graph$x) && any(class(graph) %in% 
        "visNetwork")) {
        highlight <- list(enabled = FALSE)
        idselection <- list(enabled = FALSE)
        byselection <- list(enabled = FALSE)
    else {
        highlight <- list(enabled = FALSE, hoverNearest = FALSE, 
            degree = 1, algorithm = "all")
        if (is.list(highlightNearest)) {
            if (any(!names(highlightNearest) %in% c("enabled", 
                "degree", "hover", "algorithm"))) {
                stop("Invalid 'highlightNearest' argument")
            if ("algorithm" %in% names(highlightNearest)) {
                stopifnot(highlightNearest$algorithm %in% c("all", 
                highlight$algorithm <- highlightNearest$algorithm
            if ("degree" %in% names(highlightNearest)) {
                highlight$degree <- highlightNearest$degree
            if (highlight$algorithm %in% "hierarchical") {
                if (is.list(highlight$degree)) {
                  stopifnot(all(names(highlight$degree) %in% 
                    c("from", "to")))
                else {
                  highlight$degree <- list(from = highlight$degree, 
                    to = highlight$degree)
            if ("hover" %in% names(highlightNearest)) {
                highlight$hoverNearest <- highlightNearest$hover
            if ("enabled" %in% names(highlightNearest)) {
                highlight$enabled <- highlightNearest$enabled
        else {
            highlight$enabled <- highlightNearest
        if (highlight$enabled && any(class(graph) %in% "visNetwork")) {
            if (!"label" %in% colnames(graph$x$nodes)) {
                #graph$x$nodes$label <- as.character(graph$x$nodes$id)
            if (!"group" %in% colnames(graph$x$nodes)) {
                graph$x$nodes$group <- 1
        idselection <- list(enabled = FALSE, style = "width: 150px; height: 26px")
        if (is.list(nodesIdSelection)) {
            if (any(!names(nodesIdSelection) %in% c("enabled", 
                "selected", "style", "values"))) {
                stop("Invalid 'nodesIdSelection' argument. List can have 'enabled', 'selected', 'style', 'values'")
            if ("selected" %in% names(nodesIdSelection)) {
                if (any(class(graph) %in% "visNetwork")) {
                  if (!nodesIdSelection$selected %in% graph$x$nodes$id) {
                    stop(nodesIdSelection$selected, " not in data. nodesIdSelection$selected must be valid.")
                idselection$selected <- nodesIdSelection$selected
            if ("enabled" %in% names(nodesIdSelection)) {
                idselection$enabled <- nodesIdSelection$enabled
            else {
                idselection$enabled <- TRUE
            if ("style" %in% names(nodesIdSelection)) {
                idselection$style <- nodesIdSelection$style
        else if (is.logical(nodesIdSelection)) {
            idselection$enabled <- nodesIdSelection
        else {
            stop("Invalid 'nodesIdSelection' argument")
        if (idselection$enabled) {
            if ("values" %in% names(nodesIdSelection)) {
                idselection$values <- nodesIdSelection$values
                if (length(idselection$values) == 1) {
                  idselection$values <- list(idselection$values)
                if ("selected" %in% names(nodesIdSelection)) {
                  if (!idselection$selected %in% idselection$values) {
                    stop(idselection$selected, " not in data/selection. nodesIdSelection$selected must be a valid value.")
        byselection <- list(enabled = FALSE, style = "width: 150px; height: 26px", 
            multiple = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(selectedBy)) {
            if (is.list(selectedBy)) {
                if (any(!names(selectedBy) %in% c("variable", 
                  "selected", "style", "values", "multiple"))) {
                  stop("Invalid 'selectedBy' argument. List can have 'variable', 'selected', 'style', 'values', 'multiple'")
                if ("selected" %in% names(selectedBy)) {
                  byselection$selected <- as.character(selectedBy$selected)
                if (!"variable" %in% names(selectedBy)) {
                  stop("'selectedBy' need at least 'variable' information")
                byselection$variable <- selectedBy$variable
                if ("style" %in% names(selectedBy)) {
                  byselection$style <- selectedBy$style
                if ("multiple" %in% names(selectedBy)) {
                  byselection$multiple <- selectedBy$multiple
            else if (is.character(selectedBy)) {
                byselection$variable <- selectedBy
            else {
                stop("Invalid 'selectedBy' argument. Must a 'character' or a 'list'")
            if (any(class(graph) %in% "visNetwork_Proxy")) {
                byselection$enabled <- TRUE
                if ("values" %in% names(selectedBy)) {
                  byselection$values <- selectedBy$values
                if ("selected" %in% names(byselection)) {
                  byselection$selected <- byselection$selected
            else {
                if (!byselection$variable %in% colnames(graph$x$nodes)) {
                  warning("Can't find '", byselection$variable, 
                    "' in node data.frame")
                else {
                  byselection$enabled <- TRUE
                  byselection$values <- unique(graph$x$nodes[, 
                  if (byselection$multiple) {
                    byselection$values <- unique(gsub("^[[:space:]]*|[[:space:]]*$", 
                      "", do.call("c", strsplit(as.character(byselection$values), 
                        split = ","))))
                  if (any(c("integer", "numeric") %in% class(graph$x$nodes[, 
                    byselection$variable]))) {
                    byselection$values <- sort(byselection$values)
                  else {
                    byselection$values <- sort(as.character(byselection$values))
                  if ("values" %in% names(selectedBy)) {
                    byselection$values <- selectedBy$values
                  if ("selected" %in% names(byselection)) {
                    if (!byselection$selected %in% byselection$values) {
                      stop(byselection$selected, " not in data/selection. selectedBy$selected must be a valid value.")
                    byselection$selected <- byselection$selected
                  if (!"label" %in% colnames(graph$x$nodes)) {
                    graph$x$nodes$label <- ""
                  if (!"group" %in% colnames(graph$x$nodes)) {
                    graph$x$nodes$group <- 1
    x <- list(highlight = highlight, idselection = idselection, 
        byselection = byselection)
    if (highlight$hoverNearest) {
        graph <- visInteraction(graph, hover = TRUE)
    if (any(class(graph) %in% "visNetwork_Proxy")) {
        data <- list(id = graph$id, options = options)
        graph$session$sendCustomMessage("visShinyOptions", data)
        if (missing(highlightNearest)) {
            x$highlight <- NULL
        if (missing(nodesIdSelection)) {
            x$idselection <- NULL
        if (missing(selectedBy)) {
            x$byselection <- NULL
        data <- list(id = graph$id, options = x)
    else {
        graph$x <- visNetwork:::mergeLists(graph$x, x)
        graph$x$options <- visNetwork:::mergeLists(graph$x$options, options)

and i96e beeing:

B = matrix( 
 c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 47, 3, 0, 3, 0, 1, 10, 13, 5,
0, 3, 19, 0, 1, 0, 1, 7, 3, 1,
0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 3, 1, 0, 32, 0, 0, 3, 2, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
0, 10, 7, 0, 3, 0, 1, 90, 12, 4, 
0, 13, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 12, 52, 4, 
0, 5, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 4, 18), 
 colnames(B) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")
 rownames(B) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")

g96e = t(B) %*% B

i96e = graph.adjacency(g96e, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag=FALSE)

V(i96e)$label = V(i96e)$name
V(i96e)$label.color = rgb(0,0,.2,.8)
V(i96e)$label.cex = .1
V(i96e)$size = 2
V(i96e)$color = rgb(0,0,1,.5)
V(i96e)$frame.color = V(i96e)$color
fc<-fastgreedy.community(i96e, merges=TRUE, modularity=TRUE,
                 membership=TRUE, weights=E(i96e)$weight)
colors <- rainbow(max(membership(fc)))

col = c("#80FF00FF", "#FF0000FF", "#FF0000FF", "#00FFFFFF",
      "#FF0000FF", "#8000FFFF", "#FF0000FF", "#FF0000FF",
      "#FF0000FF", "#FF0000FF")
i96e <- set.vertex.attribute(i96e, name = "group",value = col)