I'm trying to copy files in local network with scp. It's working well with filenames without spaces, but it crash with. I've tried to replace " " with "\ " as this exemple, but it don't work. Here is my code:
def connection(locals):
a = (int(re.search(br'(\d+)%$', locals['child'].after).group(1)))
print a
perc = (Decimal(a)/100)
print (type(perc)), perc
while gtk.events_pending():
FileCopy.pbar.set_text("Copy of the file in the Pi... " + str(a) + "%")
while gtk.events_pending():
file_pc = "/home/guillaume/folder/a very large name of file with space .smthg"
file_pi = "pi@192.168.X.X:/home/pi/folder/a very large name of file with space .smthg"
if " " in file_pc:
file_pc = fichier_pc.replace(" ", '\\\ ') # tried '\\ ' or '\ '
file_pi = fichier_pi.replace(" ", '\\\ ') # but no way
command = "scp %s %s" % tuple(map(pipes.quote, [file_pc, file_pi]))
pexpect.run(command, events={r'\d+%': connection}) # this command is using to get the %
How can I fix this problem ? Thanks