How can I match the whole word in mysql?
For instance, if I type in 'lau', I don't want to match 'laura' or 'laurance'.
Below is my working query that matches 'lau' with 'laura'
p.page_url AS url,
p.page_title AS title,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_content_1, ' ', 500) AS content,
EXTRACT(DAY FROM p.page_backdate) AS date,
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM p.page_backdate) AS month,
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM p.page_backdate) AS year
FROM root_pages AS p
WHERE p.page_hide != '1'
AND p.page_url != 'cms'
AND p.page_url != 'search'
ORDER BY p.page_created DESC
) x
WHERE x.content REGEXP '>[^<]*lau'
Any idea to fix my REGEXP
The reason I use REGEXP '>[^<]*searchtext'
is that my contents have html tags, such as,
<p class="heading-sitemap">About us</p>
<li class="subheading-sitemap">The team</li>
<li><a href="#">Introduction to gt</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Simon x</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Cathrin xe</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Patrick x</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Laurence x</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tessa x</a></li>>
I don't want to search the word may fall inside the tags such as <a href="">