I’m trying to work Aleph with Swi-prolog. When I ran my program I got the error here. What can I do to import the library(aleph)?By the way, I have already downloaded Aleph.pl for my program.
Here is my test program, I know there must be something wrong with the library aleph.
:- use_module(library(aleph)).
:- aleph.
I got the error:
ERROR: c:/users/mac/desktop/swi-prolog/aleph draft/1.pl:1:
source_sink `library(aleph)' does not exist
Warning: c:/users/mac/desktop/swi-prolog/aleph draft/1.pl:1:
Goal (directive) failed: user:use_module(library(aleph))
ERROR: c:/users/mac/desktop/swi-prolog/aleph draft/1.pl:2:
catch/3: Undefined procedure: aleph/0
Warning: c:/users/mac/desktop/swi-prolog/aleph draft/1.pl:2:
Goal (directive) failed: user:aleph
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 32 bits, version 7.6.4)
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You should use the installer:
?- pack_install(aleph).
% Contacting server at http://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/query ... ok
Install aleph@5 from GIT at https://github.com/friguzzi/aleph.git Y/n?
% Cloning into '/home/carlo/lib/swipl/pack/aleph'...
% Contacting server at http://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/query ... ok
% "aleph.git" was downloaded 6 times
Package: aleph
Title: Aleph Inductive Logic Prorgramming system
Installed version: 5
Author: Fabrizio Riguzzi <fabrizio.riguzzi@unife.it>
Activate pack "aleph" Y/n?
?- use_module(library(aleph)).
Here is the example I tried, and I didn't get the inductive theory.
% Aleph initialization
:- aleph.
% Mode declarations
% mode(RecallNumber,PredicateMode).
% - output
:- modeh(*,grandparent(+person,+person)).
:- modeb(*,father(-person,-person)).
father(johnJunior, john).
father(johnJuniorJunior, johnJunior).
father(jackJunior, jack).
father(jackJuniorJunior, jackJunior).
grandparent(john, johnJuniorJunior).
grandparent(jack, jackJuniorJunior).
grandparent(jack, john).
Here is my output:
[Rule 1] [Pos cover = 1 Neg cover = 0]
[Rule 2] [Pos cover = 1 Neg cover = 0]
[time taken] [0.015625]
[total clauses constructed] [2]
I guess aleph systeme didn't work.