I have 812 text files in one folder and 649 text files in another folder(these text files are image descriptors), and each of text files contains about 3000 numbers with this pattern: first 5 numbers are location of descriptors and 128 next numbers are values that I want to save them as a column in cell array, and this pattern repeats till the end of text file. and my goal is extracting all descriptors in a 128*n cell array, in which n is the number of descriptors for all images. here is my code for extracting all descriptors of all text files in one cell array
function cel = affinedesc(fname)
FID = fopen(fname, 'r');
content = textscan(FID, '%s');
content = content{1,1};
cel = cell(1,str2num(content{2,1}));
content = content(3:end);
counter = 1;
for i=1:133:length(content)-1
t1 = i+5;
t2 = i+4+128;
cel{counter} = content(t1:t2);
counter = counter+1;
cel = cat(2,cel{:});
function descscel = affinedescs(dir)
desccel = {};
for i=1:length(dir)
fname = dir(i).name;
cel = affinedesc(fname);
desccel{i} = cel;
descscel = cat(2,desccel{:});%here my pc freezes!
now here is my question: it works correct but the final cell doesn't appear in matlab workspace and I can't save the final cell for all text files that it is concatenation of all cell of all text files, and my PC screen freezes. I think it's because my final cell array is too LARGE, I wanted to know if there is a better way?
any help is appreciated!