I like the split view mode in VScode but one thing I cant figure out is to maximize a split view temporarily.
I would like to be able to maximize a split window (as in on one the windows of a split) for a moment and then restore the layout when I am done with it.
From the July 2018 Release Notes: Automated maximize of minimized editors
To get this to work you have to first manually minimize one of the splits (or editors in an editor group).
Drag the separator bar between the editors as far left (or right) as it will go.
Or use the command View: Maximize Editor Group
Then clicking in or otherwise focussing (perhaps with workbench.action.focusLeftGroup
or similar) the other split will maximize it.
Note: You can always maximize the active editor via View: Maximize Editor Group
(workbench.action.minimizeOtherEditors) or reset all editor sizes via View: Reset Editor Group Sizes