I have binary nodejs Buffer object that contains bitmap information. How do make image from the buffer and save it to file?
I tried using the file system package as @herchu said but if I do this:
let robot = require("robotjs")
let fs = require('fs')
let size = 200
let img = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, size, size)
let path = 'myfile.png'
let buffer = img.image
fs.open(path, 'w', function (err, fd) {
if (err) {
// Something wrong creating the file
fs.write(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, null, function (err) {
// Something wrong writing contents!
I get
Note: I am editing my answer according to your last edits
If you are using Robotjs, check that its Bitmap object contains a Buffer to raw pixels data -- not a PNG or any other file format contents, just pixels next to each other (exactly 200 x 200 elements in your case).
I have not found any function to write contents in other format in the Robotjs library (not that I know it either), so in this answer I am using a different library, Jimp, for the image manipulation.
let robot = require("robotjs")
let fs = require('fs')
let Jimp = require('jimp')
let size = 200
let rimg = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, size, size)
let path = 'myfile.png'
// Create a new blank image, same size as Robotjs' one
let jimg = new Jimp(size, size);
for (var x=0; x<size; x++) {
for (var y=0; y<size; y++) {
// hex is a string, rrggbb format
var hex = rimg.colorAt(x, y);
// Jimp expects an Int, with RGBA data,
// so add FF as 'full opaque' to RGB color
var num = parseInt(hex+"ff", 16)
// Set pixel manually
jimg.setPixelColor(num, x, y);
Note that the conversion is done by manually iterating through all pixels; this is slow in JS. Also there are some details on how each library handles their pixel format, so some manipulation was needed in the loop -- it should be clear from the embedded comments.
Adding this as an addendum to accepted answer from @herchu, this code sample processes/converts the raw bytes much more quickly (< 1s for me for a full screen). Hope this is helpful to someone.
var jimg = new Jimp(width, height);
for (var x=0; x<width; x++) {
for (var y=0; y<height; y++) {
var index = (y * rimg.byteWidth) + (x * rimg.bytesPerPixel);
var r = rimg.image[index];
var g = rimg.image[index+1];
var b = rimg.image[index+2];
var num = (r*256) + (g*256*256) + (b*256*256*256) + 255;
jimg.setPixelColor(num, x, y);
Although solutions by @herchu and @Jake work, they are extremely slow (10-15s in my experience).
Jimp supports converting Raw Pixel Buffer into PNG out-of-the-box and works a lot faster (sub-second).
const img = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, width, height).image;
new Jimp({data: img, width, height}, (err, image) => {