
How Pusher Connection is calculated?

2019-03-03 21:55发布


I am trying to understand the pricing shceme of Pusher. According to their pricing, the Boostrap allows 100 max. Connections. My question is this: if I have 10,000 daily visitors to my page, each one subscribed to a different channel to receive messages, how much I need to pay.

With realtime.co it's easier to understand because I know that I pay $1.00 per 1,000,000 messages without any other limitations. So I need to know how to calculate and estimate the total cost for my application, becaues I might designed it in a different way to reduce the costs.

I am considering choosing betwee, PubNub, Pusher and realtime.co, but knowing how to calculate estimated total cost is crucial for me because beginning to develop my application and going with a specific client/server library.


See the Pusher FAQ post: How are Connections Counted?

标签: pusher pubnub