Is it possible to change the display duration of a

2019-03-03 20:54发布


I need to display a local notification and have it remain on screen longer than the default 4-5 seconds, preferably until the app itself removes it. I've seen other apps (e.g. Pandora) that manage to do this somehow (maybe a push notification?), but I can find no duration property on UILocalNotification or in UIApplication methods like presentLocalNotificationNow:, scheduleLocalNotification:, etc. Neither the documentation nor any of the tutorials I've found address the display time at all. Is this something that just can't be done with local notifications?


A couple of solutions here and I would not recommend either:

1- You can request from the user to go to settings > Notification Center > your app. And change the alert style from Banner (default) to Alerts. This will present the user an alert similar to the alert presented when the app is in the foreground. The user would have to dismiss the alert versus the banner style notification that just appears/disappears. Unless this is a corporate app and you have the users buy in, I would not go that route as this could annoy the user.

2- I tested the sound clip method and yes, if you present a notification with a clip < 30seconds; the notification will stay on the (top of the) screen until the sound clip is finished playing. Having said that, if the user taps any of the volume button (to reduce the sound for example), the notification is immediately dismissed even before its end! I think though that the purpose of the notification is a gentle reminder and, lasting more than the typical 4-5 seconds goes against the norm and, it might annoy the user (or the user might think something is stuck, phone froze, etc..). Here is the code anyway:

UILocalNotification *howLongCanANotificationLast = [[UILocalNotification alloc]init];
howLongCanANotificationLast.alertBody=@"I am a notification";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] presentLocalNotificationNow:howLongCanANotificationLast];

Hope this helps.