I have 2 different directives. The first one is returns an iframe with a live video, and the second returns an iframe with a recent video.
The condition is: if live content is present, append live directive, else append recent video directive.
Ive tried with normal html instead of the directives and it works, but when i put the directive element, unfortunately doesnt work.
function isLiveOn() {
var liveIframe = '<h2>LIVE</h2>';
var videoIframe = '<h2>VIDEO</h2>';
if (vm.live.items[0] != undefined) {
} else {
function isLiveOn() {
var liveIframe = '<live-iframe live="vm.live.items[0]"></live-iframe>';
var videoIframe = '<last-video video="vm.activity.items[0]"></last-video>';
if (vm.live.items[0] != undefined) {
} else {
Each directive has its own html and js file. Something like that:
<div class="live">
<iframe ng-src="{{getIframeSrc(live.id.videoId)}}"></iframe>
<div class="live-description">
app.directive('live', live);
live.$inject = ['$window'];
function live($window) {
var directive = {
link: link,
restrict: 'EA',
templateUrl: 'path',
scope: {
live: '='
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.getIframeSrc = function(id) {
return 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' + id;
So im thinking its some problem with the directives that im probably missing. Any help will be appreciated!