This is my first question here. I have already spent hours reading topics, but never posted a question before.
At this moment I am developping an Angular4 application. I am running my app with "ng build --watch" and a local PHP webserver pointed to the 'dist' folder of my angular app. (When using build-in liveload server 'ng serve' there isn't a PHP server available, so i fixed this with 'ng build --watch' and a local PHP build-in server of PHPStorm)
To communicate with my MYSQL database, I used before single-php files in a directory called '/api'. I added this folder to my assets in the angular-cli.json file, so the API folder is also being pushed to the 'dist' folder when running the app local.
In this case, I was able to use relative paths to point my http requests. (like a POST action to '/api/insert.php'). So when publishing my app, it was not necessary to modify the paths of my HTTP requests.
But now I would like to use a backend framework, after some research I found, a PHP framework builded on Symfony3. When i am running this API, this runs for example on localhost:8000 while my angular applciation runs on localhost:4200.
So, that means i would have to use absolute paths for my HTTP requests. (eq http://localhost:8000/api/insert.php instead of /api/insert.php).
At this moment I have 2 projects: one front-end and one back-end. To make developping faster, easier, and simpler I would like to put both projects together. I know some developpers don't like this way of architecture, but in my case it is the best solution, one project, with a front and back-end included.
Concrete: Is it possible to run a debug-webserver in development zone with my angular app running on eq localhost and my symfony3/api-platform on eq localhost/api on the same time, same domain, and same port?
I would like to keep this project folder structure to keep it clean: - projectname (root) --- frontend ----- (all directories/files from angular) --- backend ----- (all directories from api-platform / symfony3)